Paper Pomander Balls

My sister got married at the gorgeous James J Hill Library in downtown St. Paul a few years ago.

As mentioned she is a super-crafter, and as part of her book-themed decorations we made these awesome pomanders.  A very good friend is getting married at the same library, so in preparation for her engagement party I brought them back.

Here is What you Need:

  • Paper of choice – I used book paper for the theme (grabbed a book from Goodwill) but any thin paper would work
  • Head Pins (like these)
  • Foam ball (like these, you can pick the size)

Here are the steps:

  1. Tear out 2-3 pages at a time and fold in half 3 times
  2. Cut into what I am calling “jagged ovals” (see the picture below and ignore the chewed fingernails)

3. Separate the ovals and fold in half/crinkle them so they are easier to work with

4. Stick a pin in the center and insert into the foam ball, folding/crinkling the paper as you do


5. Repeat, spreading out and shifting the paper so it looks flower-like!  Here is the finished product 🙂

A couple of tips:

  • Overall they are super simple, however I’ll admit that they are somewhat time consuming.  It is the perfect multi-tasking activity!  In my case that meant binge-watching The Fall on Netflix (how can someone so attractive be so creepy at the same time?!)
  • Don’t bring these through airport security.  When I was making these for my sister I and accidentally left one in my carry-on and definitely got stopped at security.  I can only imagine what these looked like in a scanner!


They can be hung or put on candle holders – a fun decoration!




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